The numbering label and depending of the reference field context numbering lables of
superior list levels of the reference are displayed.
This option is only valid, if the source of the reference is a bookmark or a set reference.
The contents of the list label of the paragraph, at which the bookmark respectively the
set reference starts - named "referenced item" in the following - is displayed. To unambiguous
identify the referenced item at the document position of the reference text field, the content
of all needed superior levels are added in front. The needed superior levels of the referenced
item are the ones, which differ from the superior levels of the document position of the reference
text field.
Additional condition, which suppresses the addition of a superior level's list label content:
The list label of the referenced item can already contain numbers of a superior levels. Assume X
be the level of the most superior level, then no list label content of superior levels greater or
equal than X are added.
If the referenced item isn't numbered, nothing is displayed.
The numbering label of the reference is displayed.
This option is only valid, if the source of the reference is a bookmark or a set reference.
The contents of the list label of the paragraph, at which the bookmark respectively the
set reference starts, is displayed. If this paragraph isn't numbered, nothing is displayed.
The numbering label and numbering lables of superior list levels of the reference are displayed.
This option is only valid, if the source of the reference is a bookmark or a set reference.
The contents of the list label of the paragraph, at which the bookmark respectively the
set reference starts - named "referenced item" in the following - is displayed and the contents
of all list labels of superior levels are added in front of it.
Additional condition, which suppresses the addition of a superior level's list label content:
The list label of the referenced item can already contain numbers of a superior levels. Assume X
be the level of the most superior level, then no list label content of superior levels greater or
equal than X are added.
If the referenced item is numbered nothing is displayed.