It identifies all properties supported by the object
if they are represented in one of the following ways:
property set
If the object supports an XPropertySet
interface, all its properties are adopted.
All of an object's attributes are considered as properties
with same name. If an attribute is read-only, the property
also is read-only.
get/set methods
Every method RetType getX() defines a
property where "X" stands for the property name and
"RetType" for its type. The method must not have any
parameters, or there is no property access method
and "X" has no property. If there is also a method
void setX( [in] RetType ), the property
"X" also allows write access; otherwise it is read-only.
In addition, the inspect method identifies all listener
access methods in the form add...Listener/
remove...Listener (except methods of interface
XPropertySet) where "..." stands for the listener type.