represents an URI node that may occur in a RDF graph.
Usage Restrictions
not published
represents an RDF named graph that is stored in an RDF Repository.
Note that this interface inherits from XResource: the
name of the graph is the string value of the RDF node.
This is so that you can easily make RDF statements about named graphs.
Note that the ODF elements that can have metadata attached all
implement the interface XMetadatable, which inherits
from XResource, meaning that you can simply pass them
in as arguments here, and it will magically work.
Parameter Subject
the subject of the RDF triple.
Parameter Predicate
the predicate of the RDF triple.
Parameter Object
the object of the RDF triple.
if any parameter is NULL
if this graph does not exist in the repository any more
if an error occurs when accessing the repository.
Note that the ODF elements that can have metadata attached all
implement the interface XMetadatable, which inherits
from XResource, meaning that you can simply pass them
in as arguments here, and it will magically work.
Any parameter may be NULL, which acts as a wildcard.
For example, to remove all statements about myURI:
removeStatement(myURI, null, null)
Parameter Subject
the subject of the RDF triple.
Parameter Predicate
the predicate of the RDF triple.
Parameter Object
the object of the RDF triple.
if this graph does not exist in the repository any more
if an error occurs when accessing the repository.
Note that the ODF elements that can have metadata attached all
implement the interface XMetadatable, which inherits
from XResource, meaning that you can simply pass them
in as arguments here, and it will magically work.
Any parameter may be NULL, which acts as a wildcard.
For example, to get all statements about myURI:
getStatements(myURI, null, null)
Parameter Subject
the subject of the RDF triple.
Parameter Predicate
the predicate of the RDF triple.
Parameter Object
the object of the RDF triple.
an iterator over all RDF statements in the graph that match
the parameters, represented as an
enumeration of Statement
if this graph does not exist in the repository any more
if an error occurs when accessing the repository.