::com::sun::star::embed::XStorage Storage ( read-only,
always a reference to a storage opened in read-only mode. No write
operations are possible. TDCP contents must be used for writing.)
This interface is implemented according to the specification of
service Content.
To create a new child of a TDCP Folder:
Let the parent folder create a new content by calling
XContentCreator::createNewContent on it. The content
type to use for new folders is "application/vnd.sun.star.tdoc-folder".
To create a new stream, use the type string
Set a title for the new folder/stream. (Let the new child execute the
command "setPropertyValues"; pass a non-empty value for the property
Let the new child ( not the parent! ) execute the command "insert".
This will commit the creation process. For streams, you need to supply
the implementation of an
::com::sun::star::io::XInputStream with the command's
parameters, that provides access to the stream data.